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FTB StoneBlock 3 artwork

FTB StoneBlock 3

In a world surrounded by stone, build yourself a subterranean kingdom that really rocks! Use magic and technology to forge your realm to your designs.


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As always, backup your world before updating!

Mods Removed: catalogue-1.6.2-1.18.2.jar Should fix #1542

Mods Added: AE2-Things-1.0.3-beta.jar #1613 AutoSmithingTable_1.18.2-1.1.1.jar #1644 RSInfinityBooster-1.18.2-2.1+20.jar #1599

Mods Updated: appliedenergistics2-forge-11.6.3.jar Bookshelf-Forge-1.18.2-13.2.51.jar BotanyPots-Forge-1.18.2-8.0.16.jar cc-tweaked-1.18.2-1.101.0.jar champions-forge-1.18.2- ChanceCubes-1.18.2- chickensmod-1.18.2-1.0.25.jar engineersdecor-1.18.2-1.1.26.jar ftb-stoneblock-companion-0.6.3+mc1.18.2.jar ftb-quests-forge-1802.3.10-build.138.jar - Adds /ftbquests block_rewards for people don't want rewards! gag-forge-1.0.1-build.14.jar geckolib-forge-1.18-3.0.54.jar incontrol-1.18-6.0.23.jar laserio-1.4.5.jar minetogether-forge-1.18.2-6.0.10.jar RoughlyEnoughItems-8.3.564.jar rftoolsstorage-1.18-3.0.12.jar rhino-forge-1802.2.1-build.255.jar #1648 supplementaries-1.18.2-1.5.13.jar

Changes: Lowered stick event chance from 0.3 to 0.2. Hid Hive Hopper. #1583 Fixed "Node Overclocker Singularity" being misspelled. #1610 Fixed Rod Die being consumed. #1632 Added Platform check for SDRP. Fixed Quartz Pillar recipe. #1651 Fixed Crafting Table textures. Fixed some recipes using Cut copper / copper block being messed up. #1647 Added Experience Obelisk experience to #Forge:experience. #1576 Added gravestone to BlockRestoreBlacklist for Chance Cubes. #1587 Fixed RFTools Syringes not showing. #1609 Fixed Gold Cast recipe. #1619 Added apple's to dark oak crook drops. #1614 Fixed Raw Advanced Processor having wrong transitional item. #1622 Fixed missing Basic Induction Cell recipe. #1623 Changed Iron Chicken to drop nugget instead of ingot. #1631 Blocked placement of Chance Cubes in Compact Dim. #1660 Added a quest in the Welcome chapter to explain what random events are, as well as how to disable them. Added quests for the Hearthstone (Gadgets against Grind) and Experience Obelisk (Experience Obelisk). Updated some quest descriptions with more useful information. Add a "shortcut" recipe for Energized Steel Block, Blazing Crystal Block, Niotic Crystal Block & Spirited Crystal Block. #1636 #1665 Fixed Molten Iron turning in to lapis gear when poured from Tinkers. #1661 Added Auto-Hammers to Create wrench pickup tag. Added Rice, Tomato, Cabbage recipes in Botany Pot. Updated text in the Smeltery quest to make it clearer what materials are doubled. #1545 Fixed Budding Crystals not dropping crystal. #1670 Added script to make Ender Air Bottle's. #1672 Added Stone Rod to Rods tag.