FTB Skies Expert
Welcome back aboard the FTB Airship, and get ready for a whole new Skies Adventure. You asked for it and now it's here; Skies Expert. We've re-tooled, revamped, and revved up the whole pack to give you the *expert-level* adventure you craved.
Server download
- Mod: Colorful Hearts
- Added Elementalcraft Shards to Mekanism Baby Mobs and some Alex's mobs
- Added some special player events for personalities and friends of FTB
- Wolf Sushi
- Added alternate quantum mechanism recipe using a precision mechanism instead of a diamond
- Added earlier game recipes for small and tiny compact machines
- New Island! Enjoy the Amethyst Isles by @therminatorx
- Ponder for Summoning Area with Spirit
- Ponder for Soul Engulfing
- Ponder for Peat Farm
- Soul Reaper mob kills now have a change to drop Soul Powder
- Raw Nickel trade to Wandering Trader
- Precision Mechanism Trade to Wandering Trader
- Magnetic Coils from Create: New Age's SU to FE conversion has been increased by 2.7x
- Adjusted electric motor values to match create new age generation values
- New Team dimensions will now use a pregeneration function inead of generating on load.
- This should greatly speed up island creation time and fix an edgecase bug where islands sometimes would not spawn with very specific seeds.
- Sophisticated backpacks should no longer lose inventory when upgrading from basic to iron.
- Re-added gold upgrade tier backpack upgrade.
- Most pipes, ID and AE2 are now blacklisted from interacting with backpacks as storage blocks.
- Redstone clock has been made cheaper/earlier game
- Tinted Glass is obtainable earlier
- All botania pasture seed variants and all saplings have been added to quark seed pouch allow list
- Remove redundant Iron Chest Recipes - Iron Chests now have the proper recipe
- Scrying plate now requires a quantum mechanism
- Fuel enriching recipes are now a 1:1 mix but the fuels are worth twice as much energy
- Blacklisted Functional Storge from being dispensed due to a crash
- Andesite Alloys on water wheels now repair more, 2 will fully repair a 0% water wheel now
- Mekanism Energy cube now only requires a platinum plate instead of osmium
- Clay batteries are no longer given out, players are now given a basic energy cube instead
- Make Logic Circuits Stack to 64 instead of 1
- Double the base compressed air production rate of the rotational air compressor
- Goat and Mimic event should occur about half as often now
- Arc furnace Electrodes now have 10x the standard durability
- Lowered cyclic edible xp recipe to 80 rf/t instead of 2000, now takes 300 ticks intead of 80. Overall cheaper and more doable on enriched peat
- Comb Block Upgrade recipe tweaked to be chapter 1 friendly
- Increase amethyst drop rate from piglin by 200%
- Ars armor no longer requires a chorus fruit to upgrade the higher tiers
- Changed Flux Storage Battery Recipes
- Temporal pouch changed to use eye of ender instead of ender core
- Super cooler/SlowMelter machines have been updated/fixed so the recipes dont reset when you add/remove items
- Updated Custom Machinery mod fixes issue with diesel generators sometimes causing a world hang on exit
- Gas Generator, Advanced Solar and Create Electric Motor quests have been fixed
- Ex Nil questline cleaned up, a few drop listings corrected and reference to amethyst mesh removed
- Lowered Iesnium Ticks Required To 100 From 300
- Terra preta is now mineable with a shovel/paxel
- Fixed implosion compressor missing recipe
- Fixed honey blocks melting to the incorrect honey type
- Corrected recipe gating for framed storage controller and made them interchangeable with normal storage controllers
- Fixed double menril recipe outputting 200mb instead of 400
- Fix diesel gens sometimes producing SU while paused or refusing to unpause
- Create Mixer's now won't mix up gravel to Flint when trying to make Primitive Slurry
- Health Overlay
- Remove old diesel generators from jei and old amethyst mesh
- Disabled placement of stick and pebbles from natural progression due to buginess
- Removed Manasteel Ingots from Overworld Sky Villages until you've crafted/obtained some via normal progression
Mods Updated
- fancymenu_forge_3.1.0_MC_1.19.2
- ftb-essentials-forge-1902.3.5-build.120
- CustomMachineryCreate-forge-1.19.2-1.1.1
- CustomMachinery-forge-1.19.2-0.9.11
- botarium-forge-1.19.2-1.9.2
- JAOPCA-1.19.2-
- kubejs-forge-1902.6.2-build.61
- supplementaries-1.19.2-2.4.20
- apotheotic_additions1.0.3_v1.19.2
- ftb-skyblock-addons-1.2.3+mc1.19.2-20240220.110607-1
- kubejs-forge-1902.6.2-build.63
More Information
Please report issues with the modpack at https://go.ftb.team/support-modpack Follow us on Twitter at https://go.ftb.team/twitter Check out our Discord at https://go.ftb.team/discord