FTB Skies Expert
Welcome back aboard the FTB Airship, and get ready for a whole new Skies Adventure. You asked for it and now it's here; Skies Expert. We've re-tooled, revamped, and revved up the whole pack to give you the *expert-level* adventure you craved.
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Minor hotfix
- Diesel generators without oxygen should work as normal
- Material generator pedestal should no longer damage tools on use
- Texture for the Perfect Gem Catalyst
- Enigmatic Circuit and Rad Shieldings
- Legendary Tooltips Texture Improvement
- A Tooltip to the Telejuice Bucket
- Added an Option to use Proto Chorus to make Glistering Chorus Fruit
- Added a Recipe for Fire Coral in the Hexerei Cauldron
- Added an Option to use Proto Chorus to make end rods
- Oxidation recipes for Copper Blocks and its derivatives in Element Infuser
- Players can now share Quests by pressing Ctrl+T on them
- Added an Opencrate and hopper to the Ponder; reflects back to the quest giving out an open crate now
- Added a Tooltip to tell players that they can use PneumaticCraft to provide Heat to Mekanism's Tower.
- Nether Villagers now store Archwood Saplings in their chests
- Many variant craft recipes in the quantum assembler to provide mechanical crafting alternatives to later game
- New alternate recipe Treated Wood using a Fluid Transposer
- Added custom pryotheum and cryotheum
- Added (WIP) Advancd Mixer which will eventually be a later game alternative to TPP, PNC Mixer and Create Mixer combined
- Added an alternate recipe for certus fixtures
- Added new final fuel tier and processing chain: Nitro Diesel!
- HR has been getting reports of deployers getting handsy with cranks, we've addressed this issue going forward.
- Quantum assembler no longer requires fluids in specific slots and will now type lock several specific fluids to specific slots to aid in automation
- Ongoing questwork in several chapters to continously improve the quest experience based on player feedback
- Early game catalysts now take 80FE/t instead of 100FE/t to better match up with enriched peat generation rates
- Disabled Occultism Storage binding to Storage Lectern (This is to prevent crashes and data overflow issues, not a design enforment change)
- Planetary dungeons now have random structure seeds
- Conjuration Catalyst, Corporea Spark and Red String are now a bit cheaper.
- Reduced collisions of planetary dungeons with other structures
- Energizera flower is now craftable as soon as you have mana powder
- Chemical injection chamber now requires advanced instead of elite circuits
- Gauge dropper no longer requires osmium
- Adjusted recipe of charge bench to include an alloy
- Change max heat capacities on rtg and advanced mixer to something sane
- Power cost has increased for cyclic teleporters
- Huge Mekanism recipe overhaul, upgrades, machines, fission, fusion and more
- Elyra upgrade for pnc armor no longer requires end rods
- venus dust is now craftable
- Castle in the sky blocks are now unbreakable
- Jetboot upgrades now uses compressed air engine instead of the uncraftable advanced compressor
- Thermal expansion energy cells are now craftable again
- Garden cloches now require 20FE/t instead of 4
- Trimmed the file size of planetary dungeons' library processors
- Lowered heat cost of uranium production
- Space ores have to be mined or laser drilled on their specific planets now
- Stop Enderman Griefing / Remove Small Mana Pool Recipes From Slabs
- Moved force infused diesel to thermo plant for mixing due to lag caused by the IE mixer
- Due to poor performance from the IE mixer, recipes have been moved to create mixing and pnc thermo plants. IE Mixer is now disabled
- The Grass Recipe in the Super Cooler, now requires Compacted Dirt and produces 3x the output.
- Removed a floating stair in the Mercury dungeon library
- Pedestal upgrades have had a recipe pass and several pedestal operations now require power to operate
- Pedestal Upgrades: Iron Plates ->Invar Plates | Copper Plates -> Constantan Plates | Gold Plates -> Bronze Plates
- Pedestals internal FE capacity has been reduced
- Tweaked some LegendaryTooltip Config Values
- Redstone can no longer be used to power energy cubes or mekanism machines
- Events settings set now requires OP
- Reaper kills now has 15% chance of dropping Soul Powder (from 30%)
- Thermal machine frames now craft 2 per craft
- Lowered FE cost of spider eye recycling, removed biomass fluid output, increased spider eye reclaimation to 100%
- Tool Swapper upgrade now craftable (with Bronze Tools)
- Tweaked Spirit Summoning Ponder to make it more clear how to use it
- Biomass can now be created with earth infusions
- Warped relay now uses protochorus instead of standard chorus
- Removed Pie Crust recipe from Mixing to fix Batter recipe Conflict
- Create Vaults now require Invar Plates and is a Sequenced Assembly Craft
- Disabled binding Storage Actuator to Storage Lectern
- Catalysts now take 80FE/t instead of 100FE/t
- Changed Element Costs for the Fireite Ingots and The Pure Crystal Infusion.
- Lowered essence cost for gem infusions
- Reaper generator now caps its output at 160 FE/T
- Obitus rune now requires moonstone to craft
- A free obitus rune is now given out when completing the reaper generator quest
- Nether Villagers now store Archwood Saplings in their chests
- Desh Space Plates now require Desh Plates instead of Springaline Desh Ingots
- Peat can now be processed in the Coke Oven for double yield
- Disabled RTP, Home and Back command
- Made Integrated Tunnels Energy Interface craftable by switching to Basic Energy Cube
- Made Flux Oil In Refinery 10x Faster
- Missing End portal frame recipe
- Random lightning will no longer set the starter ship on fire
- Lootbees now use the time/amount check instead of Gamestages
- More aggressively removed cataclysm worldgen from the primary dimension
- Fixed Meka's Basic Fluid Tank Recipe to use iron plates
- Fixed missing fluxed rod for redstone arsenal tools and weapons
- Vanilla music should no longer play along side the pack theme music
- Fixed liquid blaze burners that werent super heated not producing heat for pnc
- Sky eye of legend should work again for finding castles in the sky
- Fixed several bees not producing their fluid in the fabrication matrix
- Remove the floating stair block in the mercury library
- Minify the worldgen processors while leaving unconfigurated spawners human-readable
- Amber Solidifying Recipe.
- Empty Deepslate Tag
- Fixed temp on ether gas being too high
- Set exclusion zones so that ad_astra content and ftbdungeons don't overlap
- Give the dungeons random salts so they don't generate at the same position in different dimensions
- Fixed Manasteel Mesh Stage. Fixes Amethyst Event and Manasteel Loot
- Sheeps can now drop Tallow when killed with a Butcher's Knife
- Enriched Iron now uses iron instead of steel
- Memory Card not being craftable
- Removed the fish from the pina colada recipe (wtf were we thinking, thats gross)
- Lingering recipe for Cyclic Golden Hopper
- Disabled rtp, home and back command. /ftbteamdim home is still enabled
Mods Updated
- almostunified-forge-1.19.2-0.8.0
- AttributeFix-Forge-1.19.2-17.2.8
- collective-1.19.2-7.32
- customvillagertrades-forge-19.24.0
- pedestals-0.2.58
- embeddium-0.3.5+mc1.19.2.jar
- ftbskies_companion-forge-1.19.2-1.0.4
- Reaper-1.0.5
More Information
Please report issues with the modpack at https://go.ftb.team/support-modpack Follow us on Twitter at https://go.ftb.team/twitter Check out our Discord at https://go.ftb.team/discord