FTB Skies Expert
Welcome back aboard the FTB Airship, and get ready for a whole new Skies Adventure. You asked for it and now it's here; Skies Expert. We've re-tooled, revamped, and revved up the whole pack to give you the *expert-level* adventure you craved.
Server download
- Field Projector Ponder
- Runic Altar Schematic
- New Events quest
- Wololo Event
- Ponder Info to Field Projector Quest
- Castle in the Sky now works properly in the FTB Team Dimensions
- Amethyst Isles has been updated to expand the plains biome range substantially beyond the island
- Mobs cannot spawn 32 blocks near nether portals now to give players a zone of safety. This may impact some mob farm setups which will require adjustment
- The implosion compressor now requires lumium glass instead of structural glass, existing structures will need to be modified. The schematic cannon has been updated
- Formation/annihilaiton cores and iesnium should properly look for the fabrication matrix multiblock again
- Flux infused diesle upgrading from force infused now properly requires a flux gem
- Better precision mechanism recipe in the quantum assembler
- Inert Bee combs now output inert crystals instead of ore
- Loots bees should now be fixed to drop better loot the more often they have visted you
- Ostrum space plating is not correctly 15M FE instead of 150M
- Added an early return to fix an edge-case error, should stop ars related kubejs log spam
- Pink slime bee combs now properly produce pink slime liquid
- Disabled Stable Wormhole from connecting to Storage Lectern
- Removed extra block from nose cone schematic
- PlayerJoin event as it was causing too many heartattacks
- FTB Team used Funny Event. Player got hit with Confusion
- Full Stack Watchdog due to bugs causing lan games not to work
More Information
Please report issues with the modpack at https://go.ftb.team/support-modpack Follow us on Twitter at https://go.ftb.team/twitter Check out our Discord at https://go.ftb.team/discord