FTB Skies Expert
Welcome back aboard the FTB Airship, and get ready for a whole new Skies Adventure. You asked for it and now it's here; Skies Expert. We've re-tooled, revamped, and revved up the whole pack to give you the *expert-level* adventure you craved.
Server download
- MOD: Extended AE
- MOD: Iris flywheel compat to increase performance with shaders enabled
- Millstone recipe for crushed netherrack
- Bulk haunting recipe for soul powder
- Pressure tubes of all tiers are now blacklisted from building/exchanging gadget due to duping
- Pedestal work area can now by upgraded with infusions
- Minor quest cleanups
- Laser lense recipes are now default since they are biome restricted now instead of material gated
- Signalum processor in advanced mixer no longer requires heat
- Pressure chamber quest now only requires the correct 19 wall blocks instead of 91
- Advanced Mixer recipes have generally been sped up by 50% and now require 50% more energy per tick
- Custom machine blocks can no longer be broken by ars to avoid voiding with the break spell
- Completing an Apotheosis gate wave will now grant rarity materials. Completing the entire gate will yield even more rarity materials.
- SU Dupe issue fixed within Custom Machinery
- Advanced circuit recipe in the quantum assemberl
- Quantum assembler basic circuit recipe now produces 2 circuits
- Fixed some inconsistencies in processing ostrum combs and raw ores
- Jaopca block of obsidian
Mod updates
- BotaniaEditor-1.19.2-1.0.4
- BotanicalMachinery-1.19.2-2.0.4
- CustomMachinery-forge-1.19.2-0.9.13
- CustomMachineryCreate-forge-1.19.2-1.1.2
- sophisticatedcore-1.19.2-
More Information
- Please report issues with the modpack at https://go.ftb.team/support-modpack
- Follow us on Twitter at https://go.ftb.team/twitter
- Check out our Discord at https://go.ftb.team/discord