FTB Evolution
FTB Evolution re-imagines modded MC with a vast collection of advanced tech, intricate magic, and limitless exploration. Whether you're into building high-tech machinery or wielding powerful spells, Our flagship pack FTB Evolution has something new in store for you to explore.
Server download
- MOD: NeoAuth
- We have added zinc ores and increased them in the mining dimension, its recommended you reset your mining dimension but exploring new chunks will also suffice.
- Fixed Aluminum, Uranium and Netherite Plate Recipes. #7234
- Added a Smelting/Blasting Recipe for Zinc Ingots from Zinc Dust. #7271
- Unhidden Brass Nuggets from JEI, Fixes Create's Attribute Filter Recipe and More. #7271
- Removed Incorrect Iron, Gold and Diamond Gear Recipes added by Industrial Foregoing. #7275
- Some Recipes Resulting in the Wrong Type of Copper Plate. #7288
- Fixed Dissolution Chamber Recipes for Arcanite, Dissolved Potential and Prismatic Xychorium.
- Fixed The Shapeless Decompressing Recipes for Uranium, Iridium and Platinum Raw Ore Blocks. #7319
Quest Changes
- New Create Questline!
- Changed Apoth Logo in Gearing Up chapter.
- Added HNN quests to the Generating Resources chapter.
- Fixed JDT "Ore of the Eclipse" typo.
- Fixed Occultism "Your First Ritual" requirements.
- Fixed PNCR Quest descriptions with incorrect information.
Mod Updates
- ExtendedAE-1.21-2.2.6-neoforge
- FlowerPatch-neoforge-1.21.1-7.1.0
- FramedBlocks-10.3.1
- ImmediatelyFast-NeoForge-1.6.1+1.21.1
- JAOPCA-1.21.1-
- MagicDoorknob-1.21.1-
- PackagedAuto-1.21.1-
- PuzzlesLib-v21.1.29-1.21.1-NeoForge
- ae2wtlib-19.2.2
- ars_additions-1.21.1-21.2.0
- ars_elemental-1.21.1-
- ars_nouveau-1.21.1-5.6.0-all
- arsdelight-2.1.5
- curios-neoforge-9.3.0+1.21.1
- extended-industrialization-1.14.6-1.21.1
- ftb-library-neoforge-2101.1.11
- fzzy_config-0.6.5+1.21+neoforge
- guideme-21.1.5
- industrialforegoing-1.21-3.6.24
- integratedcrafting-1.21.1-neoforge-1.1.16-298
- integrateddynamics-1.21.1-neoforge-1.25.8-1126
- integratedterminals-1.21.1-neoforge-1.6.10
- integratedtunnels-1.21.1-neoforge-1.8.36-393
- irons_spellbooks-1.21.1-3.9.1
- modonomicon-1.21.1-neoforge-1.114.0
- moonlight-1.21-2.17.34-neoforge
- patchful-1.21.1-1.0.1
- pneumaticcraft-repressurized-8.2.12+mc1.21.1
- relics-1.21.1-
- silent-gear-1.21.1-neoforge-4.0.14
- silent-lib-1.21.1-neoforge-10.4.0
- supplementaries-1.21-3.0.41-beta-neoforge
- the_bumblezone-7.8.1+1.21.1-neoforge
- Jade-1.21.1-NeoForge-15.10.0
- justzoom_neoforge_2.1.0_MC_1.21.1
More Information
- Please report issues with the modpack at https://go.ftb.team/support-modpack
- Follow us on Twitter at https://go.ftb.team/twitter
- Check out our Discord at https://go.ftb.team/discord