FTB Endeavour
General all-purpose modpack
Endeavour is the latest FTB all-purpose modpack for Minecraft 1.16. Expanding on our hugely successful FTB Revelations, Endeavour includes a huge variety of mods that have all been hand-selected and tested by our team. Endeavour has been designed from the ground up to cater to a wide variety of gameplay styles and includes mods that revolve around tech, magic, exploration and general building. Each mod has been carefully chosen in order to ensure a level of the natural balance between each other.
Minimal changes have been made to the mods so that you experience each mod the way the developers intended.
On the tech side of the pack, mods like Create and Mekanism join old favourites such as the Thermal Expansion and RFTools suites of mods. Complemented with mods like Xnet, Flux Networks and more. The tech side remains an ever-present central focus to our all-purpose style packs.
On the magic side, we have amazing mods such as Astral Sorcery and Ars Nouveau (An updated replacement to Ars Magica) alongside other favourites like Blood Magic and Psi.
Of course, Botania (The magic mod that isn’t a magic mod) is part of the pack.
On the storage side, we have once again chosen to include both Refined Storage and Applied Energistics. With early game storage easily provided through Storage Drawers and Simple Storage Networks.
For the farmers out there, agriculture now has many options to choose from with mods like Mystical Agriculture and Farmers Delight.
These are just a few of the many mods that are a part of FTB Endeavour with well over 100 content adding mods providing endless hours of content and gameplay. No matter whether playing on your own or alongside friends and family Endeavour is designed to provide high-quality content to our players.
Helpful Links: -Website -Forums -Endeavour Pack Support -Changelogs & Server Files
- A minimum of 4 GB of RAM is recommended for clients as well as servers. For best performance, you should allow for 6 GB of RAM.
- Latest version of JAVA 8 is recommended
- JAVA 9 is NOT supported
Server Files
Download the server files for this version using our server installer.